Friday, October 14, 2011

Counting the blessings

October 14, 2011

It seems like it was so long ago when mom couldn’t do the simple things for herself.  I was just saying to her today how blessed she truly is.  Since the initial diagnosis and the chemo treatment it seems her side effects have been pretty minimal compared to all we have heard from other cancer patients and their families.  Constipation, a little swelling of her feet and the burning sensation in her hands and feet seem to be the biggest hurdles she has had to overcome.  She has been very fortunate that she has not experienced the vomiting and major hair loss those before her experienced.  Lately she has been a bit more tired than before, but overall she is doing quite well.

The report from the Dr. Zakem this Tuesday was that her blood work is fine and the abnormal protein seen in her blood before has decreased.  So, with a few more treatments she will be done with chemo and then prepare for the tests she will have to go through to see if the cancer is in remission enough to proceed with the stem cell transplant.

I am just so thankful that she is more like her old self.  She is walking along much faster now and quite able to do for herself.  I think the only thing I have noticed that has changed about her appearance is her legs are getting thinner and her pants are getting saggy.  It doesn’t seem she is losing weight, just shifting where it goes.  So, while her tummy hasn't done any shrinking, her legs are getting to look a little twiggy.  I told her she reminded me of great grandma.  We had a good laugh about that one today.

Continued prayers for her continued good health and that dad will also gain some strength and take care of himself so he can continue to care for her.

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