Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Pain is a funny thing.  You can't really see it.  Sometimes you don't really know that a person is in pain unless they express it to you.  It can be constant or come and go.  In most cases, we don't even know what is causing it..just that it hurts.  That is what mom is going through right now.  It is located mostly from both knees down and it is a constant hurt.  She is waiting to see what Dr. Zakem says, maybe another cat scan or different meds.  Something to ease the pain.

She is really quite amazing to me the way she handles it all though.  I wonder if at times she doesn't want others to worry or fuss.  I think the only real time she has ever expressed how bad it is is when she asks me to start the prayer chain for her.  I believe her faith is what keeps her strong and knowing that God is good and will be with her through  the pain.

She and dad will be going to U of M on the 23rd to see Dr. G. and get all the final info on the transplant.  She harvested all her stem cells in two days when she was there earlier, which is quite wonderful.  Dad had a stint put in his groin area to try to increase blood circulation to his leg (and his decaying toe) so hopefully he will be in less pain and able to keep up with this journey.

Continued prayers are requested for her strength, endurance, and peace.

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